This year our AGM is more important than ever. The AIST finds itself at a bit of a cross roads and we are hoping that with the guidance of the membership, through the AGM, we can map out a route forwards.

We strongly urge as many people as possible to attend the AGM this year to map out a clear path for the organisation going forward.
Our AGM will be held on Saturday 14th December 2019, in The Abbey Theatre rehearsal space.

Registration is from 2pm, with the AGM running from 2.30pm until 4pm.
If there is anything you would like to be added to the AGM Agenda please email us at before the 13th December.

Please take a moment to complete the below survey to assist us in moving forward:
Membership past and present survey

The AIST is a voluntary organisation, open to and run by people who work in the entertainment industry on the island of Ireland. Our aim is to improve safety at work and promote technical excellence through training courses and information. The success of the AIST can only be secured by the activity and commitment of its members.

Please also take a moment to read this letter from our Chairperson which sums up where we have come from, where we have been and why we need your help to decide where we go next.

Chairpersons Letter 2019